Скачать BP Chill Electronic: Pack #681 (2025) с файлообменника
Закрой глаза и позволь музыке унести тебя в мир спокойствия и гармонии. Этот сборник релакс-электроники – как мягкий шепот ветра среди деревьев, как легкий плеск воды на берегу озера. Звуки плавно перетекают друг в друга, создавая атмосферу умиротворения и внутреннего покоя. Идеально подходит для медитации, отдыха после напряженного дня или просто для того, чтобы найти гармонию внутри себя
Категория: Compilation Исполнитель: Various Artist Название: BP Chill Electronic: Pack #681 Страна: World Лейбл: BP Cloud Жанр музыки: Chill Electronic, Relax, Experimental Дата релиза: 2025 Количество композиций: 140 Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps Продолжительность: 11:57:16 Размер: 1680 mb (+3%)
001. Klartraum - All That Is 002. Subdan - Wake Up! 003. Psybie Project - Dreamscapes 004. Rival Consoles - Gaivotas 005. Suzanne Ciani - Jungle Vint 006. Zane Alexander - A U T O B A H N 007. Physical Dreams - La Partida 008. Eagle Eyed Tiger - Disintegrate 009. Saint Etienne - Half Light 010. Marina Herlop - Collige Virgo Gladium 011. Martin Nonstatic - Thuya 012. Medulla Oblongata - Maciek Szymczuk 013. Mypd - Basssik 014. S1Gns Of L1Fe - Void Matter 015. Alexandra Hampton - Distant Shore 016. Extraworld - Eccentric Anomaly 017. Lemongrass - Energy Flow 018. Carlisle City Council - Grapes Lane 019. Koan - Oh What A Passage 020. Julianna Barwick - The Magic Place 021. Giovanna & Austin Marc - Find A Place 022. Nils Frahm - Briefly 023. E-Mantra - Cryptid Sightings 024. Bronster Bridge - In The Shadow 025. Kiasmos - Squared 026. Lord Of The Isles - Ca11 027. Mad Animal. - Mango Juice 028. Fennesz - Personare 029. P-Wave - Vinyard 030. Brendon Moeller - Repercussions 031. Windom R - There's Life.. 032. Arms And Sleepers - Yesterday's Sorrow 033. Anton Kubikov - This Sound 034. Sonic Scope - Ambient 035. Anton Friisgaard - Erantai 036. Golin - Floor 4 037. Golden Everlasting - Personal Petting Zoo 038. Mystic Crock - Tail Of Themis 039. Vytis - Multiverse 040. Roger Eno - Above And Below 041. Leya - Baited 042. Homeshake - Blunt Talk 043. Luke Wyland - Chimes 044. Seake - Days 045. Kidnap - Feels Like Home 046. Glowing Galaxy - Eclosion 047. Ascendant - Helios Drifts 048. Korizon - A Memory 049. Whitney Johnson - Kouklia 050. Le Motel - Serenade Of The Seas 051. Martins Garden - Still Waters Runs Deep 052. Paul White - My Lips Silenced 053. Mystic Crock - Clear Water 054. Daskal - Only Walking 055. Spectral Wanderer - Wavelength Whispers 056. Tomu Dj - The Truth 057. Boris Blank - Time Bridges 058. Blear Moon And Carlos Ferreira - Timekeeping Agents 059. Albinos - West Gate Park 060. Hyster - Selene 061. Dialect - Overgrown Song 062. Pepe - And Everything Glimmers 063. Qasim Naqvi - No Tongue 064. Pugilist - Signal 065. Grey - Unop 066. Peter Pearson - Nostalgie 067. Shakali - Vaskitsa 068. Airglow - Tungsten Trails 069. Kettel - Opsterland 070. Two Lone Swordsmen - And Then The Walls Fell 071. Lab's Cloud - Dreaming Areas 072. Menda - Kamelia 073. Stefan Torto - Unisol 074. Lyli J - Vision 075. Frank & Tony - Drift 076. Pastel Graphics - Nightshift 077. Wordcolour - Weightless 078. Emancipator - Eve Ii 079. Davide Ferrario - Home 080. Lars Leonhard - Luminous Recollections 081. Heavee - See The Sun 082. Elati0N - Particles 083. Thomas Lemmer - Forever 084. Nils Frahm - The Dane 085. Weber & Weber - One Word 086. Plaid - Unions 087. Boris Blank - Respiro Di Mare 088. Gaister - Sento 089. Honesty - South 090. Jabarov - Come With Me 091. Hilaldeep - Dark Love 092. Samuel Leloup - Desert Reflections 093. Heavenchord - Field Recordings 094. Luna Dreamscapes - Oceans Of Slumber 095. Karimov - Secret 096. Emil Rottmayer - Flux 097. Parra For Cuva, Orbit - Liguria 098. Masayoshi Fujita - Our Mother's Lights 099. Seph - Lunarglass 100. Kinga Glyk - That Right There 101. Alsa - Dubai 102. 36 - Interloper 103. Nadja Lind - Be 104. Kode9 - Nuvola 105. Sheherazaad - Mashoor 106. Sovate - Hush 107. Lootmaster - The Golden Way 108. Peter Broderick - Tower Of Meaning Ii 109. Simo Cell - Jesus Suave 110. Unfound - High Life 111. Nueen - Potentia Gaudendi 112. Sphères - Future World 113. Nelson Vaz - The Breeze 114. Davz - Cloud Relics 115. Gazzi - Trece 116. Roedelius - Graffiti Octaves 117. Shotaro Hirata - Susuki 118. µ-Ziq - Holmbush 2 119. Shards - Facta Est Deserta 120. Viq & A.L.I.S.O.N - Sub-Zero 121. Infinity Dots - Olya 122. Naemi - Ambergris 123. Nielsir - Moira 124. Penguin Cafe - Perpetuum Mobile 125. Babis Kotsanis - Forgiveness 126. Claraguilar - Vega 127. Decisive Koala - Ariel View 128. Respira - Realm Of Sukha 129. Azimov - Tonight 130. Hotel Pools - Hawk 131. Tristan Perich - Open Symmetry 132. Special Q - Room 27 133. Aandra - Fading Sky 134. Oddling - Aeon 135. Peter Broderick - Mimi 136. Makeup And Vanity Set - Deadeyes 137. Alexey Yakimov - Venus 138. Nanocosmos - Semantica Ii 139. Imazee - I Lost My Heart 140. Chill Lounge Music Café - Sensual Seduction